Some non-native plant species become “overachievers”: they thrive in their new locations without the insects
and diseases that would normally limit their growth. Once established in natural areas, they outcompete native species and become a major threat to habitats. Some invasive plants have escaped from our home gardens and public plantings into natural areas, causing profound environmental and economic damage.
Each state has developed a list of problematic plants, including ones that are illegal to sell but are still available through catalogs and the internet. Please learn about the species considered invasive in your area, identify the invasives on your property ((see Go Botany at, and create a plan for eliminating them. Replace them with native plants that are both beautiful and beneficial for pollinators and wildlifeIndividual actions can prevent the spread of invasive plant species and enhance the health of our landscapes.
Invasive species cause significant environmental and economic harm. Of the 235 woody plants known to invade natural areas in the United States, 85 percent were introduced primarily for ornamental and landscape purposes, while
another 14 percent were introduced for agricultural uses. They alter 3 million acres of habitat annually and cost $36 billion dollars a year to control and eradicate. This is why many states in New England have enacted legislation to ban the sale, propagation, and distribution of known invasive species and also monitor new species on the landscape for possible threats